Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 92 and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Reach a Tentative Labor Agreement
Harrisburg, PA – Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lodge 92 and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are pleased to announce that they have reached a tentative labor agreement following extensive negotiations. The agreement, subject to final ratification, marks a significant milestone in fostering positive relations between state inspectors, investigators and Public Safety employees and the state.
The tentative agreement, reached after constructive dialogue and collaboration between both parties, reflects a mutual commitment to enhancing working conditions, ensuring fair compensation, and promoting the safety and well-being of law enforcement officers serving the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
FOP Lodge 92 and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania express their appreciation for the dedication and hard work of all parties involved in the negotiation process. The agreement reflects their shared commitment to fostering a positive and productive working relationship that serves the best interests of both law enforcement officers and the communities they serve.
Both parties will now proceed with the process of finalizing and ratifying the agreement in accordance with their respective procedures and timelines. Details regarding the final agreement will be released upon its formal ratification.
### About Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 92
FOP Lodge 92 represents the interests of State Public Safety officers serving the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. With a commitment to promoting the welfare and interests of its members, FOP Lodge 92 advocates for fair treatment, improved working conditions, and enhanced safety measures for its members.
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